Showing 25 - 48 of 891
  • Estimated Revenue Effects Of H.R. 2617, The “Consolidated Appropriations Act," As Passed By The Senate

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  • Estimated Budget Effects Of The Revenue Provisions Contained In The President’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Proposals

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  • Estimated Revenue Effects Of The House Amendment To The Senate Amendment To H.R.4346, Scheduled For Consideration By The House Of Representatives On June 24, 2022 (Rules Committee Print 117-53)

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  • Estimated Revenue Effects Of The Chairman's Modification To The "Enhancing American Retirement Now ('Earn') Act," Scheduled For Markup By The Committee On Finance On June 22, 2022

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  • Estimated Revenue Effects Of The Chairman’s Mark Of The “The Enhancing American Retirement Now (EARN) Act" Scheduled For Markup By The Committee On Finance On June 22, 2022

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  • Income And Payroll Tax Offsets To Changes In Excise Tax Revenues For 2022-2032

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  • Estimated Revenue Effects Of H.R. 3617, The “Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment And Expungement Act (The ‘MORE Act’)," Scheduled For Consideration By The House Of Representatives On April 1, 2022 (Rules Committee Print 117-37, As Reported By The Committee On The Judiciary, With Modifications)

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  • Estimated Revenue Effects Of H.R. 2954, As Amended, The “Securing A Strong Retirement Act Of 2022," Scheduled For Consideration By The House Of Representatives On March 29, 2022

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  • General Explanation Of Tax Legislation Enacted In The 116th Congress

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  • Macroeconomic Analysis Of H.R. 5376, The “Build Back Better Act," As Passed By The House Of Representatives, On November 19, 2021

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  • Distributional Effects Of The Revenue Provisions Of Title XIII – Committee On Ways And Means, Of H.R. 5376, The “Build Back Better Act," As Passed By The House Of Representatives

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  • A Distribution Of Returns By The Size Of The Tax Change For The Revenue Provisions Of Title XIII – Committee On Ways And Means, Of H.R. 5376, The “Build Back Better Act," As Passed By The House Of Representatives

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  • Distributional Effects Of The Revenue Provisions Of Title XIII – Committee On Ways And Means, Of H.R. 5376, The “Build Back Better Act," As Passed By The House Of Representatives

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  • Estimated Budget Effects Of The Revenue Provisions Of Title XIII – Committee On Ways And Means, Of H.R. 5376, The “Build Back Better Act," As Passed By The House Of Representatives

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  • Estimated Budget Effects Of The Revenue Provisions Of Title XIII – Committee On Ways And Means, Of H.R. 5376, The “Build Back Better Act," As Reported By The Committee On The Budget, With Modifications (Rules Committee Print 117-18)

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  • Distributional Effects Of The Estimated Budgetary Effects Of Subtitle B And An Amendment In The Nature Of A Substitute To The Revenue Provisions Of Subtitles F, G, H, And I Of The Budget Reconciliation Legislative Recommendations By The Committee On Ways And Means

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  • Estimated Budgetary Effects Of An Amendment In The Nature Of A Substitute To The Revenue Provisions Of Subtitles F, G, H, I, And J Of The Budget Reconciliation Legislative Recommendations Relating To Infrastructure Financing And Community Development, Green Energy, Social Safety Net, Responsibly Funding Our Priorities, And Drug Pricing, Scheduled For Markup By The Committee On Ways And Means On September 14, 2021

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  • Estimated Budgetary Effects Of The Revenue Provisions Of Subtitles F, G, H, And J Of The Budget Reconciliation Legislative Recommendations Relating To Infrastructure Financing, Green Energy, Social Safety Net, And Drug Pricing

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  • Estimated Revenue Effects Of The Provisions In Division H Of An Amendment In The Nature Of A Substitute To H.R. 3684, Offered By Ms. Sinema, Mr. Portman, Mr. Manchin, Mr. Cassidy, Mrs. Shaheen, Ms. Collins, Mr. Tester, Ms. Murkowski, Mr. Warner And Mr. Romney, The "Infrastructure Investment And Jobs Act"

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  • Estimated Revenue Effects Of The Revenue Provisions Contained In The Chairman's Modification Of The "Clean Energy For America Act," Scheduled For Markup By The Committee On Finance On May 26, 2021

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  • Estimated Revenue Effects Of The Revenue Provisions Contained In The Chairman’s Mark Of The “Clean Energy For America Act," Scheduled For Markup By The Committee On Finance On May 26, 2021

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  • Estimated Revenue Effects Of H.R.__, The "Securing A Strong Retirement Act Of 2021," Scheduled For Markup By The Committee On Ways And Means On May 5, 2021

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  • Estimating Leakage From Retirement Savings Accounts

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