JCX-22-22 (December 22, 2022)
Estimates Of Federal Tax Expenditures For Fiscal Years 2022-2026
The staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (”Joint Committee staff”) has prepared a report on tax expenditures for fiscal years 2022-2026. This report is prepared by for the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance. The report also is submitted to the House and Senate Committees on the Budget.
The Joint Committee staff has made its estimates based on the provisions in Federal tax law enacted through August 16, 2022. In general, expired or repealed provisions are not listed unless they have continuing revenue effects that are associated with ongoing taxpayer activity. Proposed extensions or modifications of expiring provisions are not included until they have been enacted into law. The tax expenditure calculations in this report are based on the March 2022 Congressional Budget Office (“CBO”) revenue baseline and Joint Committee staff projections of the gross income, deductions, and expenditures of individuals and corporations for calendar years 2022-2026.
The staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (”Joint Committee staff”) has prepared a report on tax expenditures for fiscal years 2022-2026. This report is prepared by for the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance. The report also is submitted to the House and Senate Committees on the Budget.
The Joint Committee staff has made its estimates based on the provisions in Federal tax law enacted through August 16, 2022. In general, expired or repealed provisions are not listed unless they have continuing revenue effects that are associated with ongoing taxpayer activity. Proposed extensions or modifications of expiring provisions are not included until they have been enacted into law. The tax expenditure calculations in this report are based on the March 2022 Congressional Budget Office (“CBO”) revenue baseline and Joint Committee staff projections of the gross income, deductions, and expenditures of individuals and corporations for calendar years 2022-2026.
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