
From time to time, the Joint Committee staff also employs other professionals, such as visiting professors, fellows, and legal and economic interns and externs.

Professors of law, accounting, and economics from various universities work as a part of the Joint Committee staff for limited periods or on special projects. The experience provides those in academia an opportunity to work on cutting edge tax issues and to gain invaluable insight into the tax legislative process. These talented individuals provide an additional perspective on issues that is beneficial to the work of the Joint Committee staff.

The Joint Committee staff periodically employs research assistants in law, accounting, and economics who have some tax experience, but generally less than that required in the case of the permanent staff. The Joint Committee staff also works in connection with the intern/extern programs of certain graduate tax programs that may provide unpaid fellows, interns, and externs. These individuals work with Joint Committee staff and gain exposure to all aspects of the tax legislative process.